ЖУРНАЛ "МИШПОХА" №12 2002год

Журнал Мишпоха


Учредитель - Союз Белорусских еврейских общественных организаций и общин
Регистрационный № 75. Зарегистрирован 28.07.1996 г.

Главный редактор
Компьютерная верстка, дизайн
Александр Фрумин
Эмблема журнала
Лия Шульман
Над номером работали:
Роланд БУКЕНГОЛЬЦ (США), Аркадий КРУМЕР (Израиль)

Адрес редакции:
Беларусь, 210016, г. Витебск, ул. Колхозная, 4
Адрес для корреспонденции:
Беларусь, 210001, г. Витебск-1, а/я 22

E-mail: mishpoha@vitebsk.net

Журнал издается с 1995 г. Всего вышло двенадцать номеров.
© Мишпоха-А. 2002 г. Историко-публицистический журнал.

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The publications was made possible
through a generous contribution
of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee
Издание вышло в свет
благодаря поддержке организации “ДЖОЙНТ”

Выражаем благодарность за помощь в подготовке этого номера
Еврейскому благотворительному центру “Хэсэд-Рахамим” (г. Минск)

[Леонид Коваль] - Стихи
[Рина ЛЕВИНЗОН] - Стихи
[Давид Симанович] - Стихи
[Людмила Хмельницкая] - Возраст меламедов – 998 лет
[Инна Герасимова] - Знаменитая фамилия
[Моисей Ратнер] - Уроки дедушки Арона
[Лев Щербанский] - Гецель вернулся!
[Шуламит ШАЛИТ] - Эй, возьмите меня с собой!
[Аркадий Шульман] - Когда немым лучше молчать
[Инна Холодова] - “Разбитые памятники” Лазаря Рана
[Елена Аксельрод] - ПЕЙЗАЖИ СЧАСТЬЯ
[Елена Аксельрод] - Стихи
[Ада АРОНОВА] - Я повторяю их путь
[Сергей Носов] - Дитя любви
[Тарас Фисанович] - Золотая звезда Израиля
[Лидия МАЛКИНА] - Он любил жизнь
[Зиновий Шульман] - Листая прошлого страницы
[Георгий ШУЛЬМАН] - Не пускаете на Ближний Восток, буду ездить на Дальний
[Лия ШУЛЬМАН] - Стихи
[Михаил Шульман] - ХАНКА
[Борис ГИНЗБУРГ] - 126-й ПРЫЖОК
[Александр Школьный] - “Человек, спасший одну жизнь, спас все человечество...”
[Наум Гольдштейн] - Дома ее звали Фейгл-Птичка
[Аркадий Шульман] - Как я помолодел на сто лет
[Галина Левина] - Стихи
[Елена Маркевич] - Земля закипала, как грех
[Борис Носовский] - Вы как хотите – тише или громче?
[Исер Куперман] - СУДЬБА ЧЕМПИОНА
[Семен ЛИОКУМОВИЧ] - Сальто в 75 лет
[Валерий Шишанов] - Пэновский “Сват” сосватал еврейское, русское и белорусское искусство
[Людмила Хмельницкая] - О синагогах Беларуси – впервые
[Наум Сандомирский] - ...А жизнь все тот же анекдот
[Борис КЛЕЙН] - Мы называем опытом собственные ошибки
[Валентина Мороз] - Семейная летопись общинного дома
[Артем Домбровский] - Дебют

Почта Мишпохи

В журнале использованы рисунки: Меера Аксельрода, Александра Вайсмана, Бориса Крижанского, Галины Левиной, Вики Ловинской, Бориса Малкина, Лады Могучей, Александра Павловского, Леонида Пастернака, Лазаря Рана, Марка Шагала, Лии Шульман, Михаила Шульмана.
Коллаж Александра Фрумина и Аркадия Шульмана.
Фото 2-й стр. обложки – Михаил Хейфец.

Выражаем благодарность Художественному музею города Витебска,
Дому-музею Марка Шагала, ЗАО “БелСофт”.

Выражаем благодарность за помощь в подготовке номера: Софье Абрамовой, Якову Басину, Марине Батенко, Инне Герасимовой, Елене Гринь, Майе Казакевич, Руслану Казинцу,
Борису Канторовичу, Александру Коварскому, Елене Козловской, Галине Левиной,
Дмитрию Синявскому, Леониду Смиловицкому, Людмиле Хмельницкой, Инне Холодовой,
Алексею Чистодарскому, Валерию Шишанову, Михаилу Шмерлингу, Татьяне Шульман.

The twelfths issue of “MISHPOHA” starts with the poetry of Leonid Koval. Being famous poet and writer, he is a constant author of our magazine. Leonid lives in the Lithuanian city of Jurmala. Every year he comes to Bobruysk, the town where he spent his childhood and youth years. Many of Leonid’s works are inspired by the memories from these days.
The poetry presented in the magazine constitutes the whole spectrum of interesting publications. Rina Levinzon is a wonderful and very neat lyric writer. She lives in Jerusalem. Her new poems are published in this issue of “MISHPOHA”.
As a dedication to his 70th anniversary the famous Vitebsk poet David Simanovich published a new book “Vitebsk, Chagall, Love”. Some works from this book can be found in the issue. Many readers will open for themselves interesting poems by Galina levina from Minsk and Ilya Gavrilenko from Hanover.
“The Jerusalems” – this is the title of the new series of stories by Dina Rubina. These stories are published in the issue under the subtitle “Beads”. The author counts the beads of the small stories from the life of the modern Jerusalem.
In her essay “The City, Which Is Always With Me”, Basya Loseva recollects Vitebsk of 20th-30th of the last century and writes about her young years friends.
The publication of Arcady Shulmann “When it is Better for Dumb to Keep Silence” is dedicated to the memory of writers and public activists, who were executed by the Stalin regime 50 years ago.
Elena Akselyrod and Lidiya Malkina write about their fathers: the famous artists Meer Akselyrod and Boris Malkin. The poems of Elena Akselyrod are published in this issue.
Sima Jushunsky and Alter Faytelson got married during the WWII, when they met each other in the Kaunas ghetto. The essay of Sima Jashunsky-Faytelson “I Am Thinking in Judish” tells about the fate of her family.
The famous journalist from Israel Shulamit Shalit writs an essay “Hey, Take Me With You”, which narrates about the famous Jewish writer Mosha Kulback.
Not too many people know the hero-pilot Mikhail Plavelsky. He was killed in Tadzhikistan in 1920th in a fight with “basmaches” (bandits). The Soviet authorities preferred not to disclose his name just because he was a Jew. For Tadzhiks he was the enemy. In his essay “Thirty Thousands in Gold for a Pilot” Konstantin Serdyuk writes about his countryman from Bobruysk – Mikhail Plavelsky.
As usually there is enough place in the issue for the materials published under the headings “Family Stories” and “Family Album”. Kandidat in History from Minsk Inna Gerasimova continues acquaint the readers with the Zhitlovskys family, which gave the world many famous writers and public activists.
Moisey Ratner called his story “The Gradpa Aron Classes”. The journalist from Minsk Sergey Nosov published his materials under the brisk subtitle “The Story of the Galahic Jew and Natural-Born Cossack” tells the biographies of grandpa and grandma, who dedicated their best years to the revolutionary struggle, and have pushed Ada Aronava to think it over thoroughly. In her essay “I Am Repeating Their Way” she is discussing the actual problems of the revolutionary struggle and terrorism.
Ginda Kolesnikova has published the war period diary of her mother Rosa Jastshamb.
The son of a submarine sailor Israel Fisanovich, Taras Fisanovich writes about his father.
The familiy headline “Shulmann will tell” presents the works of his namesakes: the story “Hanka” by Mikhail Shulmann, the writer from New York, the poetry of the writer and artist from St. Petersburg Liya Shulmann, the recollections of the Minsk professor Zinoviy Shulmann and the family story of the ecologist from the Crimea Georgy Shulmann.
The issue also includes the essays about famous sportsmen: Ex-World Champion in checkers Iser Kulermann and the Honored Coach of the USSR in acrobatics Mikhail Zeitin.
As always “MISHPOHA” publishers a lot of photographs and announcements about missing relatives and friends.

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