ЖУРНАЛ "МИШПОХА" №13 2003год

Журнал Мишпоха

Учредитель - Союз Белорусских еврейских общественных организаций и общин Регистрационный № 75. Зарегистрирован 28.07.1996 г.

Главный редактор
Компьютерная верстка, дизайн
Александр Фрумин
Дизайн обложки
Борис Хесин
Эмблема журнала
Лия Шульман
Над номером работали:
Давид Симанович (Беларусь), Роланд БУКЕНГОЛЬЦ (США), Аркадий КРУМЕР (Израиль)

Адрес редакции:
Беларусь, 210016, г. Витебск, ул. Колхозная, 4
Адрес для корреспонденции:
Беларусь, 210001, г. Витебск-1, а/я 22
E-mail: mishpoha@vitebsk.net

Журнал издается с 1995 г. Всего вышло четырнадцать номеров.
© Мишпоха-А. 2004 г. Историко-публицистический журнал.

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WEB-сайт подготовлен при участии
Международного центра культурных связей
“Израиль – Беларусь

The publications was made possible
through a generous contribution
of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee
Издание вышло в свет
благодаря поддержке организации “ДЖОЙНТ”

Выражаем благодарность за помощь в подготовке этого номера
Еврейскому благотворительному центру “Хэсэд-Рахамим” (г. Минск)

[Лариса Финкельштейн] - Художник и время
[Галина Левина] - Дом Басова
[Сол Шульман] - Променад по Социалке
[Александр Баршай] - ПОЭЗИЯ ЕВРЕЙСКОЙ ДУШИ
[Александр ВОЛОВИК] - Стихи
[Эмиль Дрейцер] - Дед Урий
[Валерий Шишанов] - ГИД ПО ПРОШЛОМУ
[Юлия ВАГАНОВА, Сергей ВАГАНОВ] - Стихи
[Марат Баскин] - Счастливчик Эля
[Михаил Хайкин] - ПЕТУХ
[Леонид Смиловицкий] - Скромное обаяние мастеров
[Шуламит Шалит] - Блеснувший луч за прошлые мытарства…
[Роальд Романов] - На родине Оскара Милоша
[Александр Михайлов] - Наш вечный дом
[Алла Левина] - “Я буду петь! Уже пою...”
[Эмма Дулькина-Шафар] - Холокоста скорбная история с юных лет в душе моей живет...
[Светлана Козлова] - Старик Хоттабыч в XXI веке
[Аркадий Шульман] - Первая любовь Марка Шагала
[Арон Вигушин] - Судьба двух картин
[Борис Роланд] - ПОЕЗДКА ЗА РЫБОЙ
[Давид СИМАНОВИЧ] - Из далекого дня он глядит на меня...
[Наум Цыпис] - Посвящение Лейзера
[Наум Цыпис] - Бабушка и Танька Килимчук
[ Михаил Герчик] - В парикмахерской
[Семен Августевич] - Теперь не стыдно людей принять
[Яков Янский] - “Витебские девчата”
[Валентина Мороз] - “ЭМУНА” означает ВЕРА

Новые книги
Почта Мишпохи

Состоялись встречи авторов журнала “Мишпоха” с читателями
в общинах Гамбурга и Ростока (Германия).
Благодарим за организацию встреч
семью наших постоянных авторов и читателей:
Римму и Александра Коварских (г. Гамбург).
А также:
Центр Международных контактов (г. Нинбург),
Бюро международного молодежного туризма “Спутник” (г. Витебск),
Семью Барбары и Вернера Брандес (д. Бине).
В Минске, Витебске и Бобруйске прошли читательские конференции,
встречи авторов журнала “Мишпоха” со своими читателями.

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заметки о еврейской общине Беларуси.


Общественное объединение “Еврейский культурный центр МИШПОХА”
Расчетный счет:
3015200380017 АО “Приорбанк” ГФ по Витебской области, г. Витебск, код 723.
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Союз белорусских еврейских общественных объединений и общин Республики Беларусь
(Пожертвования на деятельность журнала “Мишпоха”)

В журнале использованы рисунки
Израиля Басова, Нахума Гутмана, Лады Могучей, Натальи Тараскиной, Марка Шагала,
Кати Шульман, Лии Шульман
В журнале использованы фотографии
С. Голубкова, Анаталия Клещука, Хильдбург Копф, Галины Левиной, Дмитрия Мякина,
Роальда Романова, Александра Хитрова, Михаила Шмерлинга, Аркадия Шульмана

благодарим за содействие IATP/Vitebsk (http://www.iatp.by)
Internet Access and Training Program (IATP) is a project funded by
the US Department of State, Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs,
and implemented within the framework of the UNDP “Internet-2” project.

Выражаем благодарность за постоянную и действенную помощь
унитарному предприятию “ПРОЕКТ-1” (директор – Михаил Гринберг).

Благодарим за помощь историка, музейного работника
Ингрид Домероу (г. Берлин).

Благодарим за помощь, Schweiz


Благодарим за помощь в подготовке номера:
Софью Абрамову, Викторию Андрееву, Марину Батенко, Инну Герасимову, Галину Дудкину, Фаину Злотину, Евгению Иванову, Майю Казакевич, Руслана Казинца, Раису Кастелянскую, Юну Левину, Ирину Марченко, Алину Папкову, Марину Розину, Михаила Рубина, Евгения Саулича, Дмитрия Синявского, Леонида Смиловицкого, Зою Цыганкову, Алексея Чистодарского, Шуламит Шалит, Валерия Шишанова, Михаила Шмерлинга

The fourteenth issue of “MISHPOHA” opens with a selection of materials devoted to the outstanding artist Izrael Basov. For a long time he was wrongly forgotten, for it is the fate of all artists who went ahead of time. And only nowadays the Izrael Basov’s pictures received proper recognition.
Art critic Larisa Finkelstein recounts about the artist’s creative way. The family photos from the Basovs archive for the first time have been published under the heading “The Family Album”.
The traditional heading “Autograph” presents chapters from the autobiographical novel by famous writer, publicist, film and TV director Sol Shulman. The novel is called “Promenade Along Socialka”. This is the narration about the childhood and youth years, spent in Bobruysk.
Not so long ago a wonderful poet Alexander Volovik died in Israel. The article of Alexander Barshay “The Poetry of the Jewish Soul” is dedicated to his memory. Some poems of Alexander Volovik are presented there as well.
This issue’s poetry is presented by very different authors: family duet of the father and daughter Sergey and Juliya Vatanovs, the poems of the outstanding poet David Simanovich.
The poet and interpreter from Minsk Alla Levina presented for publication, as she called them herself, expressed in verse paraphrases on the poems of the famous Jewish verse writers, who wrote in Yiddish: A. Sutskover, I. Manger, M. Gebirtig, Sh. Kacherginsky, I. Katsenelson and I. Papernikova. The poems are dedicated to the horrible and steadfast days of Holocaust. Alla Levina’s paraphrases accept some minor deviations from the originals, but, nevertheless, preserve the main idea and the emotional colour.
Emil Dreitser – the Professor of the Russian Department of Tom Hunter College in New York (the USA). Professor Dreitser is the author of dozens of scientific and fiction prose works. Not so long ago his new book “What Are You?” saw the world. One chapter of the book is dedicated to the Minsk grandfather of the author – Uriy Dreitser – very extraordinary and interesting person. This chapter could be found in the current “MISHPOHA” issue.
Aliter Druyanov is called “the king of the Jewish joke”. The writer passed away 60 years ago. But his jokes are not getting old and books are published in big editions. The famous Israel writer and journalist Shulamit Shalim is telling about the life and creative activity of Aliter Druyanov.
“The Stories of the Place” in the new issue is presented with the story “Lucky Elya” by Marta Baskina. The events of the story take place in the author’s native town – Krasnopolye. The rubric also contains another story “The Rooster” by Mikhail Haykin. Together with the main characters of the story, we are carried to one of the streets of old Vitebsk.
In the recent issue of “MISHPOHA” magazine we told about famous Jewish writer Mosha Kulban. In this issue, on the request of the readers, we are returning back to Kulban’s life and this time tell you about his family. The essay is called “Flashed Ray For Past Afflictions…”
In every issue of the magazine we are telling about different Jewish places, which were interesting and full of joy. In the current issue you can find the story of Roald Romanov about the place Chereya “On the Motherland of Oscar Milosh”.
The rubric “Memory” presents the recollections of Emma Shafar on the tragedy of Minsk ghetto and on these noble and courageous people, who risking there lives, rescued the author. The story of Alexander Kovarsky “The Childhood on the Champion Street” is pretty sad and nostalgic narration about friendship and mutual understanding, family relations, which were tested by hard times of the evacuation days.
The story “The Announcement in the Old Newspaper” tells us about how unexpectedly the author - Anatoly Gershkovich, found his relatives.
Jakov Dvilyansky was an Yiddish and the Jewish folklore expert. The Ivyevsk performance was dedicated to his memory, when ballet dancers, drama artists, musicians, managed to recreate the life of the pre-war place and ghetto tragedy on open air stage in a forest. The son of Jakov Dvilyansky – Arkady, writes about his father in the essay “He Painfully Loved the World”.
Not so long ago we have celebrated the 100-th anniversary of “Staric (Old man) Hattabich” author Lasar Lagin. Today not everyone knows that Lasar Ginsburg, the real surname of the writer, was born in Vitebsk. The director of the Vitebsk Museum of Literature Svetlana Kozlova recounts about the life and creative activity of the writer.
Arcady Shulman’s essay “The First Love of Marc Chagall” narrates about little known pages from the artist’s life, about his relationship with Teya Brahman. The Chagall topic in the issue is continued by the essay of Aron Vigushin “The Fate of Two Paintings”.
The magazine tells about new books of the unfailing authors of “MISHPOHA” Boris Roland and Naum Tsipis.
Valdimir Mehov’s essay “Recollecting Bykov” is dedicated to the life of the People’s Writer of Belarus Vasyl Bykov and his attitude to “the Jewish question”.
The secrets of stuffed fish cooking are revealed by Semen Avgustevich.
“The Club of Collectors” resumed its work . It is chaired by Arcady Podlipsky. In the article “Lotteries with the Jewish Accent” the narration is about the lotteries , which were held by All-Union Society of Land Management of Working Jews in the 20-th years of the previous century.
The materials under the heading “Vitebskiye Devchata” (The Girls of Vitebsk) tells about modern days of the Jewish community. “Emuna” means hope.
“MISHPOHA” is your magazine!


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