На фото: ребята из Витебского молодежного клуба ЕА “Сохнут”.Вы читаете хорошо знакомое и совершенно новое издание. Ничего парадоксального в этом нет. Журнал выходит десять лет. Его читают во многих странах. Для него пишут писатели “с именами” и начинающие авторы. Журнал стал лауреатом премии имени Чарлза Хофманна “За лучшее освещение еврейского культурного наследия”.
И в то же время, это новое издание. Потому что впервые мы выпускаем молодежное приложение, потому что перед вами новая иллюстрированная “Мишпоха”.
Как появилось это издание?
В один прекрасный день собрались вместе молодые прозаики, поэты, публицисты, историки, художники, дизайнеры, живущие в Беларуси, а также их друзья, и друзья друзей, и просто знакомые. “Мы хотим издавать молодежный журнал. Возьмите нас под свою обложку”, – сказали они. На очереди был пятнадцатый номер журнала. Так появилось молодежное приложение “Мишпоха-15”.
Кто наши авторы?
Студенты, школьники, молодые гуманитарии и технари. Люди, для которых литература, живопись, фотография являются профессией или увлечением. Они интересуются еврейской культурой и историей, считают себя продолжателями традиций еврейских писателей и художников, живших на белорусской земле. Для многих это первая серьезная публикация. Но гениальные творцы когда-то тоже начинали с первого шага.
О чем пишет журнал?
Если молодежное издание не пишет о любви, значит это не молодежное издание. На страницах журнала много стихов. Потому что молодость и поэзия – синонимы. Во всяком случае, так должно быть. Мы с интересом читаем серьезные работы молодых исследователей о нашей истории и традициях. Надеемся, что за первым выпуском молодежного приложения последуют второе, третье, десятое…
Чего ждем от авторов?
Надеемся, что молодые искусствоведы расскажут о еврейской музыке и клезмерах, без которых не обходилась ни одна свадьба. От историков моды ждем увлекательных рассказов о нарядах, которые носили наши прабабушки. А как вкусно читать о еврейской кухне! Да разве все, что запланировано на следующие номера, перескажешь…
Кто будет читать журнал?
Мы не делаем ограничений, не вводим возрастных и иных цензов. Будем рады, если читателями будут те, кто только учатся читать, и те, кто первую книгу прочитал много десятилетий назад.
Новый проект поддержал АЕОРК «Джойнт» и Еврейская федерация Атланты.
Поддержите нас и вы! Станьте авторами и читателями. Пишите нам.
Мы делали этот номер специально для вас!


Всем Шалом! -Место встречи старых друзей
Александр Фридман - Родина для всех одна
Галина Левина - Мир на колесиках  в отсутствие границы земли и неба
Маргарита ЧИЧИНА - Стихи 
Вероника Русакова - От имени живых и павших
Холокост – не просто слово
Александра МАХЛИНА - Замыкая круг
Наталья Смеловская - Двадцать первое особенное место
Влад Смирнов - Стихи
Инна Соркина - Местечко, в котором я никогда не была
Ида Шендерович - Майсы
Керен Климовски - Стихи
Анджия Езерска - Мыло и вода
Даниил Соковский - Там, где галстук, там перед…
Дмитрий Русаков - Город, знакомый до слез...
О. Печерская - Небо над стеной
Михаил Рубин - Стихи
Галина Левина - ПОЛУКРОВКИ
Одиннадцатый, не последний

Издание вышло в свет благодаря поддержке организации “ДЖОЙНТ” и Еврейской федерации Атланты



The publications was made possible through a generous contribution from the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee and Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta


Учредитель – Союз Белорусских еврейских общественных организаций и общин. Регистрационный № 75. Зарегистрирован 28.07.1996 г.

Главный редактор Аркадий Шульман
Компьютерная верстка, дизайн Александр Фрумин
Над номером работали:
Галина Левина,
Катя Шульман,
Антон Козлов,
Алексей Чистодарский,
Валентина Мороз,
Денис Богорад,
Евгений Саулич.

В журнале использованы
фотографии из архивов:
Минского еврейского
общинного дома,
АЕОРК “Джойнт”,
Витебского молодежного клуба
еврейского агентства “Сохнут”,
а также из личных архивов:
Антона Козлова,
Аркадия Шульмана,
Михаила Шмерлинга,
Рашель и Валерия Гиршик,
Лены Дворкин.

Благодарим за помощь:
Центр национальных культур
Государственного учреждения
“Витебский центр культуры”.

При подготовке статьи
“Одиннадцатый – не последний”
использованы публикации
из спецвыпуска газеты
X Международного фестиваля
“Пуримшпиль в Витебске”.

You are reading well-known but completely new edition. There is no paradox. “Mishpoha” magazine has been published for 10 years already. It is known in many countries of the world. Brand-name writes and just beginners are placing their works there. The magazine became Charles Hoffman prize winner “For the Best Coverage Of the Jewish Cultural Heritage”.
And at the same time it is a new magazine. Because for the first time we are proud to present you the youth edition – so is in you hands a new illustrated “Mishpoha”.

Where does the new edition begin?
One wonderful day young prosaists, publicists, historians, artists, designers living in Belarus, as well as their friends and the friends of their friends and just acquaintances, got together in one place. “We would like to edit a youth magazine. Could you take us under your cover,”- they said. The fifteenth issue of “Mishopha” was about to be published. So, the new youth edition “Mishpoha – 15” was born.

What are our authors?
University and college students, young humanitarians and technicians. The people, for whom literature, art, photography are professional activities and just hobbies, who are fond of Jewish culture and history and consider themselves to be the followers of the wonderful traditions of the Jewish writers and artists long time ago lived in Belarus.
For many of them this is the first serious publication. But even genius creators made their first steps.

What is the magazine about?
If the youth edition says nothing about love – it could be hardly called “youth”. The edition contains lots of poems. Because poetry and youth are synonyms. In any case it should be this way.
With great interest we are reading the serious works of young researchers about our history and traditions.
We have a strong hope that the first youth edition will be followed by the second, then by the third, tenth...

What is to expect from the authors?
We are planning young art expects to tell you about the Jewish music and klezmers, which were performed at every wedding. From the fashion historians we are expecting fascinating stories about apparels, which were worn by our grand-grandmothers. But how it is tasty to read about the Jewish cuisine! It is not possible to retell everything planned in the forthcoming issues...

Who is going to read our magazine?
There are no exceptions, no limitations in age and other criteria. We would be very glad if this edition would be read by junior readers and by mature ones.
The new project was supported by American-Jewish Distribution Committee “Joint” and Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta
We are expecting your support as well! You are welcome to become our authors and readers. Because we have made this edition especially for you!

«Mishpoha-15» opens with a story about the Internet-project “Shalom to everybody! The place where old friends meet.”
At the beginning of the 90th these guys were the first who initiated the renascence of the Jewish life in Belarus. They founded youth clubs, organised seminars on the Jewish history, traditions, Hebrew, organise cafe meetings, where people were not only having fun but saw mini performances, amateur films, discussed problems, which were serious to them. And of course fell in love. The meetings at those cafes resulted in not just one wedding.
Now these guys live thousands kilometers away from each other. Many of them made alliya to Israel, some moved to the USA, Sweden, Germany, Russia. But there are those who stayed in Belarus.
The guys do not forget each other and continue to communicate via Internet site “Shalom to everybody! The place where old friends meet.” They tell us who got married, was born, got to a journey... And of course all of them recollect their “heroic deeds”.
We are presenting you the miniatures by Fima Sarnov, Rashel and Valery Girshik from the Internet-site “Shalom to everybody! The place, were old friends meet” and many old and new photos.
“Photo-graphic studio “Mishpoha” is the traditional rubric of our magazine. But in this issue it is especially attractive. And not only because there are young and pretty faces on the photos. “Photo-graphic studio “Mishpoha” became an original photo chronicle of the youth Jewish movement in Belarus. And those who participated in seminars, summer camps, festivals and other “parties” will find themselves on the pictures, if not in this issue, then in the next for sure.
Our magazine is easy to read, it has lots of fun material. But it does not mean that serious topics are neglected here. Among our authors there are lots of experts in the Jewish history, sociology, art.
The research of Alexander Fridman “Motherland Is One For All” has a subtitle “Tadeusz Kostuszko” and the Jewish Participation in the Rebellion of 1794”. It is quite actual issue. Historians do not have single answer on many points, which are discussed in the work of Alexander Fridman.
Inna Sorokina, Kandidate in History, Associate Professor at Grodno State University wrote an essay “The Place Where I Have Never Been”. Inna spent her childhood years in Kopyl. Long time ago it was a famous Jewish small town, the place where the “grandfather” of the Jewish literature Mendel Moyher-Sphorima lived. In her research Inna Sorkina is trying to analyze the history of origin and disappearance of shtetls. The researcher tells us about the phenomenon of small town culture, about specific mentality of small town dwellers.
The topic of small towns is also the prime target in the works of Mogilev author Ida Shenderovich. Though it is presented under different angle. Ida publishes small town mays – funny Jewish stories, jokes. They were told by one of Klimovichi small town dweller Evgeny Shifrin, translation from Hebrew to Russian is made by Naum Ioffe.
Expert at the Museum of the Jewish History and Culture in Belarus, recent graduate of the Belarussian State University, the Dept. of International Relations Veronika Rusakova is writing about the Zhitomirsky family. Grigory Zhitomirsky is the participant of the Victory parade in Moscow in summer 1945. Such an honor was granted only to the bravest soldiers of the Soviet Army. One grandfather of Grigory was a miller in a small Belarussian hamlet Barsuki, the other – was a cantonist in the Russian Army. It was a religious family where laws and traditions were favoured... The essay is called “In the name of living and fallen in battles”.
Not so long ago the first Republican contest “Holocaust. History and the Present” took place in Belarus. The contest was presented with best students’ essays, children’ paintings, verses. The issue publishes some abstracts and paintings. “Holocaust – is not just a word ...” it is written in one essay. These words became the heading of our publication.
Jewish artists who lived and created in Vitebsk are known all around the world. Marc Chagall, Haim Sutin, El Lisitsky, Tanhum Kaplan and many others. Traditions, which were laid by them, live nowadays. As a proof, have a look at reproductions of contemporary painters, which are published in “Mishpoha-15”. Read articles about Dmitry Zenykovich, Mikhail Yahilevich.
Galina Levina is the Laureate of the State Award of the Republic of Belarus in the sphere of architecture. She is the constant author of “Mishpoha” magazine. In this issue she is presented not only as a writer – her story “Half-bred”, but also as a painter. Galina Levina is person with broad outlook. Architect, painter, stage engineer, photographer, poet, prosaic. She is a talented and creative personality. The rubric “The Name” tells about creative activities of Galina Levina.
Young artist Katja Shulman paints ties. “Why is it impossible to put your works in a form of a tie”, – she says. – Technique – batique, the surface could be very different”. Katja is the participant of numerous exhibitions. The article, devoted to her creativity is called “The front is where the tie is…”
Young researcher in Judaic Studies Dmitry Rusakov is going to a trip with people from Mogilev by birth, who now live abroad, to the city of his and their childhood. His impressions from the trip Dmitry presents in the essay “The city very familiar…”
“Mishpoha-15” poetry is presented with the authors, which are looking for their own way in literature. Margarita Chichina and Mikhail Rubin – are well-known in the literary world, they are the authors of poems collections. Keren Klimovsky published her works in “thick” magazines. She performed herself both like a poetess and translator. For Vald Smirnov it’s a debut.
The name of Andgia Ezerskaya is rather unfamiliar to Russian speaking readers. Prosaic from Poland, who immigrated to the USA, with all her creativity tried to build a bridge between those born in the States and immigrants. The topic does not loose its sharpness today. The story by Andgia Ezerskaya “Soap and Water” is published for the first time. The translation from English is made by young translator Irina Gurvich.
The story of Alexandra Makhlina “Closing the Circle” is a very private narration about the way the author started to feel her “Jewishness” during the childhood years. People around her helped Alexandra to feel it. The author had two ways: to merge with non-Jewish surroundings, or to preserve her national essence. She chose the second way. Alexandra accepts Jewish name Ester. And only later she got to know that it was her grandmother’s name. Earlier her grandmother took the Russian name Vera.
The story by Natalia Smelovskaya “Twenty First Special Place” is a lyrical novella about love.
Annually Vitebsk is a host to the brisk and joyful festival “Purimshpil”. With the story about this festival, which will be held in Vitebsk for the eleventh time this year, we are finishing the first issue of the youth edition “Mishpoha”.